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Metallbaukontor Frankfurt

Metallbaukontor Frankfurt is convinced by timeCard


MKF Metallbaukontor Frankfurt GmbH
MKF-TKI is a cooperation center for progressive metal construction companies. It organizes the joint development and purchasing of aluminium profile systems and accessories.

Clearly record working hours and projects

Four years of paperwork are enough

Under the umbrella of MKF Metallbaukontor Frankfurt, more than 30 metal construction companies from Europe have been jointly developing tried-and-tested TKI® aluminum systems - such as façades, canopies and conservatories - for over 40 years. This means that MKF organizes the joint development and purchasing of the systems and the metal construction companies then produce them. Thanks to the joint action, a unique ability to compete and act is achieved.

Each of the 17 MKF employees has a fixed weekly working time. However, the hours are distributed differently for each employee on the individual days. For example, one person does not work on Wednesday afternoons, while another does not work on Friday afternoons. There is also the option to flexibly divide up working hours within a set framework. Because it is easy to lose track of this, MKF records working hours: "Our employees asked for time recording because there was simply no transparency," reports Managing Director Thomas Schaberger. For four years, working hours were recorded using timesheets. However, as this resulted in a time-consuming paper trail, the decision was finally made to introduce electronic time recording.

Time recording system especially for SMEs

During an Internet search, Metallbaukontor Frankfurt came across the time recording system timeCard premium plus DES from REINER SCT. This system is consistently geared towards the needs of small and medium-sized companies and can be flexibly retrofitted at any time. timeCard has clearly structured software that is suitable for beginners and professionals alike. It is regularly developed further in consultation with customers and constantly adapted to growing requirements.

After four weeks, the management was certain: timecard will replace the timesheets at MKF. The ordering process via the BZB office center - an official sales partner of REINER SCT - went smoothly. The installation by an internal IT specialist and BZB took just one day.

Two booking variants in use

For a good six months now, timecard has been recording the start and end times of the 17 employees as well as all breaks and absences such as flexitime, vacation, training and sick days. Two different booking variants are in use: employees at the Egelsbach site hold a chip card in front of a multi-terminal time recording system mounted on the wall. This automatically books in and out. The warehouse staff in Rodgau, on the other hand, book directly on the PC using the so-called PC booking terminal. This application is included in the add-on package - a timeCard add-on module. Other helpful functions of the module include an interface to payroll accounting, a report generator and a second flexitime account.

Projects can also be recorded

Also important for MKF is an integrated evaluation tool from timeCardwhich can be used to manage and monitor projects. This allows Metallbaukontor Frankfurt to keep track of how long employees have been working for which metal construction company. For this purpose, a project was created for each metal construction company, to which the working hours of the employees can be booked. Managing Director Thomas Schaberger says: "With the timeCard-project recording, we know exactly which employee has worked how long for which project or for which metal construction company."

Conclusion: Clear work simplification

With the introduction of timeCard premium plus DES, all employees were trained to use the system within two hours. From the outset, administration was carried out by the management and
the secretariat. These persons were trained in an in-house training course by the BZB office center with timecard in an in-house training course run by the BZB office center. The new electronic time recording system now makes their work much easier. A lack of transparency and cumbersome paperwork are a thing of the past.

About the system:

The most important facts at a glance

  • Fully tailored to the needs of small and medium-sized enterprises
  • Projects can be created, managed and evaluated
  • It can also be booked directly on the PC
  • No more cumbersome and confusing paperwork

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