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Käserei Monte Ziego

Monte Ziego carries out time and project bookings with timeCard


Käserei Monte Ziego
The Black Forest cheese dairy was founded in 2000 and produces goat's and cow's milk cheese brands. In 2009, it received the international "cheese of the year" award at the "Premio ex equo" in Italy.

World champion cheese maker shows taste

Win a whole working day with electronic time recording

The Monte Ziego cheese dairy has been producing the successful goat's and cow's milk cheese brands Monte Ziego and Mona Liesl since 2000. The focus is on regionality and the highest organic quality. A total of 1,000 goats from five goat's milk producers supply high-quality milk, which is processed in the cheese dairy into an exquisite range of diverse dairy products - including 30 types of cheese and quark.

Due to production-related processes, Monte Ziego employs many part-time workers. They can organize their working hours flexibly, but are not allowed to work overtime for legal reasons. In order to keep track of this, working hours have been recorded in the cheese dairy from the very beginning. For the first ten years, this was done using timesheets. Monte Ziego then decided to introduce electronic time recording. Accountant Birgit Fichtner remembers: "Manually entering the working hours for our tax office was simply too time-consuming. I usually lost an entire working day."

Decision made after one day

A friendly company recommended the time recording system timeCard premium plus DES from REINER SCT. timeCard is completely geared towards the needs of small and medium-sized companies. It provides a valid database for calculating wages and salaries and for forwarding to tax offices - without any manual input. After just one day, Monte Ziego's decision in favor of timeCard had already been made.

Different recording paths

A short time later, the multiterminal of the time recording system was installed in front of the cheese dairy's production entrance. It could be connected via an existing network without any complex cabling. In addition to the start and end of their working day, the production employees also use the Multiterminal to record all their breaks completely electronically and to the minute. To do this, they simply use their own timeCard-chip card in front of the Multiterminal. As the chip cards should not be taken into the production areas for reasons of hygiene, they are stored in a wall-mounted
card holder.

The office staff use a different entrance to the production staff and would have to take a detour to book at the multi-terminal. For this reason, the times are booked directly on their own PC using the so-called PC booking terminal. This application is included in the add-on package - a timecard add-on module. Other helpful functions of the module include an interface to payroll accounting, a report generator and a second flexitime account.

Who works on which project and for how long

Monte Ziego recorded with timeCard not only records the working times of employees, but also the times in which individual projects or process steps are processed. For example, the production employees clock in at the multiterminal each time they start a new process step (such as peeling garlic). Once this step has been completed, it is booked again.

timecard offers a powerful evaluation tool for such purposes, with which projects can be managed, monitored and project costs calculated. Projects are created and the working hours of the individual employees are booked to these projects. After completion of the project or for project monitoring, it is then possible to display which employee has worked how long on the individual projects.

Dispatcher Roland Steiert is delighted: "Thanks to the project management of timeCard we can easily and quickly evaluate how much time a process step takes. This makes personnel planning much easier!"

Training from REINER SCT directly on site

The administration of timeCard is managed by the accountant Birgit Fichtner. She was familiarized with the system in a four-hour in-house training course by REINER SCT. timeCard is the basis for fast data transfer to the tax office at Monte Ziego and therefore makes Ms. Fichtner's work much easier.

About the system:

The most important facts at a glance

  • Projects can be created, managed and evaluated
  • Terminals can be connected via existing network
  • REINER SCT offers in-house training
  • Bookings can also be made directly on the PC

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