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40 years of online banking: REINER SCT congratulates!

Table of contents
  • Don’t underestimate the dangers for users even today
  • REINER SCT advises protection with external TAN generators

Furtwangen, November 12, 2020 – Online banking celebrates its 40th birthday in mid-November. On November 12, 1980, banking transactions could be carried out from home for the first time via screen text technology (BTX). REINER SCT has been supporting online banking since 1997 as a guarantor for secure transactions. A number of companies and private participants who were keen to experiment took part in the Deutsche Bundespost field test in 1980. The BTX technology was provided by the consumer bank for the greater Düsseldorf area. Even then, the slogan was “My bank in my living room!”. Another component has also remained: even back then, participants needed an access number and a key number, known today as a user name and password. And right from the start, the transaction had to be confirmed with a one-time number, comparable to today’s authentication code. Three years later, online banking was officially launched with around 4,000 users. By 1991, 300,000 people were using the new convenience. It was not until the late 1990s that the required equipment became more reliable and affordable. By 1999, the number of direct connections had risen to over 1.5 million and by 2000, around 35% of Germans were online. In 2009, online banking became widespread. This was due to the introduction of the optical TAN generator. According to a 2020 survey, every second German now uses online banking1; one in three of them relies on a smartphone app for their banking transactions. REINER SCT guarantees security in online banking REINER SCT was founded in the Black Forest in 1997 and has been involved in online banking from the very beginning. With its products, the company has been a guarantor of security in online banking ever since and still is today. Because as practical and indispensable as banking from home or on the move is for many people today, it also offers opportunities for criminals to attack. “We recommend using a second piece of hardware for digital transactions. With a TAN generator, users are optimally protected,” says REINER SCT Managing Director Andreas Staiger. The reason: software can only be protected with software to a limited extent. “Anyone who wants to carry out a transaction with their smartphone and has the authentication code sent to the same smartphone will not experience any greater security,” emphasizes Staiger. But no one is defenceless against attacks. Even without in-depth IT knowledge, every user can protect themselves effectively against computer crime. About REINER SCT REINER SCT is a recognized specialist for security in the digital world. The company develops and produces in Germany. The portfolio includes readers, e.g. for secure online banking, terminals for merchants and tradesmen for payments with girocards and the “Authenticator”, a solution for secure access to platform accounts with 2-factor authentication. Another mainstay is intuitive time recording and access control systems for SMEs, which are also suitable for mobile workstations. Founded in 1997, the company operates worldwide and is part of the REINER Group. It is based in Furtwangen in the Black Forest and employs 45 people. Further information is available at: www.reiner-sct.comAnsprechpartner for the press: REINER SCT Robert Eichhorn Baumannstraße 16-18, 78120 Furtwangen T +49 (7723) 5056-763
reichhorn@reiner-sct.com Internet: www.reiner-sct.com

1 https://www.der-bank-blog.de/online-banking-nutzung/studien/37663852/

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