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Charging management for electric vehicles successfully tested with smart meter gateway

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Karlsruhe, January 29 – The FZI Research Center for Information Technology and the FZI spin-off EnQS controlled the charging management of a Tesla via the smart meter gateway infrastructure using the BSI-certified smartHSM and the MTG value-added connector. At the FZI Research Center for Information Technology in Karlsruhe, a complete smart grid cell, from the energy generator to the charging station, was set up in the laboratory in the FZI Living Lab smartEnergy. Together with the FZI spin-off EnQS, the prototypical control of a charging station via the secure communication channel of the smart meter gateway was demonstrated and tested as part of the C/sells research and demonstration project and Nils Kröner’s master’s thesis. An active external market participant (EMT) was implemented on the basis of a real smart meter gateway administration. As part of the project, the communication of the grid status according to the grid traffic light principle, the use of the feedback channel to communicate the status of the charging station, the sending of the price forecast and specific switching actions were implemented. The BSI TR-03109-compliant communication path from the end device (wallbox) via the smart meter gateway to the value-added application was ensured in conjunction with the MTG value-added connector, the hardware security module (smartHSM) from REINER SCT and the “Controllable Local System (CLS)” control unit connected to the charging station. This enabled the project team to prove that the components used and the overall system are suitable for practical use in the scenario shown. The safe control of decentralized generation plants, the storage of energy and the safe switching of loads, which is regulated by the Metering Point Operation Act, will probably be one of the most important applications of smart metering systems in the future. Together with MTG, REINER SCT developed the smartHSM hardware security module for this purpose, which was certified as a “mini-HSM” by the BSI in October 2017. For the prototype implementation, the FZI and FZI spin-off EnQS team supplied the application for energy management as well as the measurement and communication infrastructure. In conjunction with the MTG value-added connector as a central security and communication module, it was demonstrated that a cost-effective and scalable solution is now available for active EMTs, such as regional energy suppliers and municipal utilities, for the secure operation of value-added applications. Based on the demonstrated implementation of the communication path between electric vehicles and active EMT via smart metering systems, further research and development work is required for the value-added use of the secure communication channel. In particular, the combination of BSI-certified communication with grid-friendly and market-oriented charging optimization will enable municipal utilities, energy suppliers and grid operators to allow their electricity customers to actively participate in the energy transition through innovative business models and also to participate financially.

About us

About the FZI Research Center for Information Technology: The FZI Research Center for Information Technology is a non-profit organization for applied research and technology transfer in the field of information technology. It brings the latest scientific findings in information technology to companies and public institutions and qualifies young people for an academic and business career or the leap into self-employment. The research groups at the FZI develop interdisciplinary concepts, software, hardware and system solutions for their clients and implement the resulting solutions as prototypes. Scientific excellence and interdisciplinarity are thus firmly anchored in the organization. In the energy application field, innovative solutions in the field of intelligent energy management are researched at the FZI – often together with companies. Motivated by the imminent rollout of smart metering systems, scientists are currently working on projects such as the sensible design of the control channel provided by smart meter gateways. In the FZI Living Lab smartEnergy, developed concepts, energy management systems and optimization algorithms are prototypically implemented and tested using real hardware. Further information can be found at:www.fzi.de/energieÜber MTG: MTG AG is one of the leading specialists for sophisticated encryption technologies in Germany. MTG’s innovative IT security solutions effectively secure critical infrastructures and the Internet of Things. A coordinated portfolio of security products and services is offered for the introduction of smart meter systems in Germany. Further information at:www.mtg.deÜber REINER SCT: REINER SCT specializes in security in the digital world. These include readers for chip cards – especially for secure online banking, terminals for merchants and tradesmen for payments with girocards and access protection at PC workstations. With its readers for the electronic ID card, REINER SCT is regarded as a pioneer for the innovative use of IT in the public sector. Another mainstay is intuitive time recording and access control systems for small and medium-sized companies as well as components for smart meter systems. REINER SCT has been developing and producing in Germany since 1997 and offers all services from a single source, including sales and end customer service. The company operates worldwide and is part of the REINER Group, which has been family-owned since 1913. It is based in Furtwangen in the Black Forest and employs 45 people. Further information at:www.reiner-sct.comÜber EnQS: The EnQS team supports its customers with individual services relating to energy management and IoT systems. The team can draw on over 10 years of experience with software solutions for smart grids from research and application. EnQS GmbH was founded four years ago as a spin-off of the FZI Research Center for Information Technology in Karlsruhe. Since then, there have been three focal points:

  • Testing energy management and IoT systems: The focus is on the system as a whole. End-to-end testing is therefore carried out to ensure the compatibility of all individual components of the energy management solution.
  • Technical advice: If errors occur, the customer is advised and supported with regard to analysis and troubleshooting.
  • Development: To evaluate new ideas, EnQS develops prototypes, proof-of-concepts and demonstrators and carries out field tests in research projects for its customers.

EnQS is always at the interface between IT and e-technology. Further information at: www.enqs.de Contact for the press: Reiner Kartengeräte GmbH & Co. KG Robert Eichhorn Baumannstraße 16-18, 78120 Furtwangen T +49 (7723) 5056-763 E-Mail: reichhorn@reiner-sct.com Internet: www.reiner-sct.com

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