PC go magazine awarded the top mark in the individual test of “${cloudCockpit}” in issue 2/2013.
The editorial team rated the software as “very good”.
Their conclusion: “${cloudCockpit} ensures security in the cloud with online backup and encryption. Access to the data for third parties is also quite straightforward.” Business & IT magazine also tested “${cloudCockpit}” and rated it “excellent” in the 2/2013 issue: “Online data storage is practical, but usually has a weak point: simple password protection. The software cloud Cockpit ® from Reiner SCT solves the problem by storing all data in encrypted form in the data cloud.” PC Magazin takes a similar view, awarding the product a “good” rating in its 1/2013 issue and summarizing: “${cloudCockpit} provides additional security in the cloud. The software is ideal as an online backup.” Andreas Staiger, Managing Director of REINER SCT, commented: “We are delighted with these excellent ratings – they confirm the importance of cloud backup. Cockpit ® for the secure outsourcing of data to the cloud.” The weak point in cloud computing is usually access to the data. In most cases, only simple password protection is used here. Anyone who knows or cracks it has free rein. This is where the new software from REINER SCT comes to the rescue: cloud Cockpit ® automatically encrypts the data to be stored in the “cloud” and makes it secure against unauthorized access and manipulation.
Users do not need any special knowledge for this process.
How cloud works Cockpit ®: When the software is installed under Windows, a new local folder is automatically created as a link between the PC and cloud storage.
The user copies all the files they want to save in the cloud to this folder.
There, the data is automatically encrypted and secured either – depending on the user’s decision – with a password or with the more secure variant using an OWOK chip card and reader from REINER SCT.
The data is then loaded into the respective cloud application. The data is then unreadable for unauthorized persons. The data is protected using highly secure cryptography and an AES 128-bit key.
With cloud cockpit ®, data is protected both on its way to the cloud and at its storage location.
If hackers succeed in penetrating a cloud service, the data stored there cannot be read or manipulated.
cloud cockpit ® is designed as a subscription model and costs 9.95 euros for one year.
Share and edit data together
With cloud Cockpit ® also makes it easy to share data stored in the cloud with other users and edit it together if required.
The data owner can add and activate additional authorized users and only needs to forward a password to the other users.
This means that the data can also be opened with other end devices if required.
Most popular cloud applications already prepared
The software can be used for all providers of online storage services; some providers such as Dropbox, Google, Microsoft, Computer BILD and STRATO are already preconfigured.
Other providers or storage media, such as USB sticks or external hard disks, can be integrated with just a few clicks using a convenient wizard.
cloud cockpit ® has no volume or file restrictions.
REINER SCT time recording is also very good
In its 12/2012 issue, Business & IT magazine also featured the time recording and access control system “${timeCard}” from REINER SCT and rated “very good”.
The editors’ conclusion: “For many companies, recording working hours and projects is a business necessity.
Only a comparison with actual times makes it possible to optimize calculations, for example.
However, the method should not be overly complex.
time card is a seamless system that is easy to use.
While working times can be recorded virtually in passing at the terminals, entry on the PC is almost as quick thanks to numerous input aids.
The modular concept allows for an individual approach.”