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tanJack® easy


Small tool, great convenience

ThetanJack easy software converts the flicker code so that you can conveniently use your USB TAN generator or chip card reader with chipTAN function in browser banking or with banking software.
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Product description

In addition,tanJack easy optionally converts the flicker code into a chipTAN QR code so that you can use a tanJack®QR or tanJack® photo QR TAN generator. The software runs in the background and recognizes the flicker code automatically. The data is sent to the reader, where the transaction data is visualized on its display as usual and confirmed by you. After the TAN has been generated in the USB TAN generator or chip card reader with chipTAN function, it is stored in the clipboard of your PC and can then be conveniently pasted into the TAN field. There is no need to type in the TAN. The high level of security of the chipTAN or Sm@rt-TAN procedure, which has been tried and tested millions of times, is fully retained.


Frequently asked questions


No, the new card technology is mandatory for all banks and savings banks worldwide in order to be internationally interoperable.

A strong password alone can still be compromised. The 2FA provides an additional layer of security and protects your account even if your password is stolen.

The 2FA increases security because even if an attacker finds out a user’s password, they cannot access the account without the second factor.

The technology of the girocard has been further developed. This is why the new girocard is no longer compatible with the optic TAN generators.

The technology of the Sparkassen-Card / DKB Girocard has been further developed. Therefore, the new Sparkassen-Card / DKB Girocard is no longer compatible with the chipTAN optic TAN generators.

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