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Part-time parental leave: advantages and disadvantages of working while on leave

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Part-time parental leave can definitely be worthwhile for parents. Although parental leave is actually intended as time off work, there may be various reasons why parents do not want to give up work completely. In this article, you can find out when it makes sense for parents to work part-time during parental leave.

The most important facts about the part-time position

Before we get to the advantages and disadvantages of part-time work during parental leave, we want to clarify the most important facts about part-time work during parental leave. It is not always easy to take on a part-time job during parental leave. The decision is not solely up to the parents.

The application for part-time work may also be rejected by companies during parental leave. This applies in particular to companies with fewer than 15 employees. Even if the parent in question has been working for the company for less than six months, the employer can reject the application for a part-time position during parental leave.

Parents may not work part-time for more than 32 hours per week. The monthly average of working hours applies. If they work 33 hours one week but only 31 hours the next, this is balanced out. If parents want to work more than 32 hours a month part-time, the application can be rejected. The same applies if the working hours are to be less than 15 hours per week.

If your own employer rejects your application for a part-time position during parental leave, parents may also take up a mini-job with another employer. However, the conditions regarding working hours also apply there.

If you want to work during parental leave, it is recommended that you choose Parental Allowance Plus. Then there are no deductions from your parental allowance if you earn less than 50% of your previous earnings.

Advantages of part-time work during parental leave

The reasons for wanting to continue working part-time during parental leave can vary. Part-time parental leave brings with it a number of advantages that fuel these reasons.

  • Your career continues: If you leave your job for a longer period of time, you may fall by the wayside or have to work hard to regain your position. Instead, stay in your job part-time, carry on straight away and keep your “status”.
    It should be noted that there is a right to be reinstated to the old job after parental leave and to return to full-time work (or the previously contractually agreed working hours).
  • The bond with the team remains intact: For many employees, the working environment is particularly important. This also includes the colleagues they work with on a daily basis. Regular collaboration builds a bond between employees. This bond naturally suffers if you are on parental leave for three years. If you stay with the company part-time, the bond will continue to be strengthened and you will remain “part of the team”.
  • You have a choice of working hours and duration: Part-time parental leave is only subject to a few fixed rules regarding working hours. The important thing is that the weekly working hours must be between 15 and 32 hours. You are completely free to agree with your employer when you start work. This allows you to arrange your working hours to suit your private life.
  • The special protection against dismissal remains in place: If you work part-time, you enjoy special protection against dismissal, which applies during parental leave. The part-time position therefore does not change this and you can go to work without hesitation.
  • Part-time work counts towards your pension: If you work part-time during parental leave, this increases your pension entitlement.
    Child-raising time is also taken into account for the pension. The average value in Germany applies. However, this is lower than the entitlement resulting from part-time work. Part-time parental leave therefore brings more pension entitlement than time off.

Disadvantages of part-time parental leave

Part-time parental leave is not always sensible or advisable. In some cases, it is more of a disadvantage and taking full advantage of the time off is more of an option. There is one major disadvantage to part-time parental leave, which concerns the financial aspect:

Earnings can reduce the parental allowance. Income generally has an effect on parental allowance. As already mentioned, a limit of 50% of previous earnings applies to Parental Allowance Plus. Anything above this reduces the parental allowance. If you use a different parental leave model, the limits are lower and the parental allowance is reduced more quickly due to part-time parental leave.
Before you start a part-time job during parental leave, you should always clarify in advance how your earnings will affect your parental allowance.

Another disadvantage, of course, is that you are at home with your child less. New parents understandably want to spend as much time as possible with their child. However, this is not possible during working hours. If you don’t want to miss out on anything, a part-time job is not an option and taking full time off is the right decision.

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