Following the landmark ruling by the Federal Labor Court (BAG) in September 2022, there is now an obligation to record working hours.
Companies that do not use comprehensive working time recording are now in an illegal situation. However, anyone who sees this as a “back to grandpa’s time clock” has not recognized the sense of a modern time recording solution.

“The image of recording data on a time clock has long been outdated. A modern Time recording brings the needs of employees and employers much more into line. Especially in this day and age working hours oriented towards people and promote flexibility, freedom and creativity.”
Andreas Staiger
Managing Director of REINER SCT
Only with a working time recording system can the number of hours worked, their distribution over time and the number of overtime hours be determined objectively and reliably. Only in this way is it possible for employees to effectively enforce their rights, such as claims to rest periods. The new regulation therefore protects employees from overwork, among other things.
On the other hand, employers can quickly and reliably see how much personnel effort is actually being deployed in which position and thus have a complete overview of all processes in the company.
Happy employees – happy employers
With timeCardthe digital, intelligent time recording system from REINER SCT, your customer can accurately measure the success of his company’s ongoing activities.
- Whether stationary, in the office or on the move, all data is transmitted in real time
- More transparency for employers and employees
- Access to all data from any location
- Meaningful evaluations and reports