Protection against Trojans
Handle software with care
Even if low-cost offers are tempting, only trust programs from known and secure sources.
Always keep your virus scanner up to date
Many current virus programs detect a large number of Trojans. You should therefore update your virus scanner regularly – preferably daily.
Use a personal firewall
Use a firewall. The firewall cannot prevent a Trojan from being installed, but it can draw attention to unauthorized network communication.
Close security gaps
Always keep your operating system and browser up to date.
Work with basic rights
As soon as you work with administrator rights and install software which, in the worst case, is malware, the Trojan can do ANYTHING with your PC.
Do not store any sensitive data
Do not save any lists of passwords on your computer, do not have passwords saved automatically and do not save any TAN numbers for bank transfers as a list on your PC.