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pushTAN: Online banking procedure explained

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pushTAN: another TAN procedure

Two combinations are essential for your banking transactions: your PIN and a valid transaction number (TAN), which you use to authorize your orders in online banking. For security reasons, each TAN is only valid for a specific order. So you always need supplies.

There are currently various ways of obtaining this TAN. They differ, for example, in the number of additional devices required. The pushTAN procedure is one of these and is characterized by the fact that you do not need an additional device.

All you need is your smartphone or tablet and the pushTAN app.

The smartphone is divided into two logical channels by registering for the pushTAN procedure, but this has no effect on the operation of the smartphone. The two channels do not know anything about each other and are therefore separate, which corresponds to the chipTAN and mTAN procedure and therefore offers the same security.

How the pushTAN procedure works

To use the procedure, you can either use the Sparkasse internet portal, a banking app on your smartphone or tablet or banking software on your PC.

It is important that your savings bank account is activated for online banking.

First, the transfer data must be entered as usual.

You will then receive a message in the pushTAN app. This contains the data that you need to check again. The TAN is only displayed after confirmation. The TAN can then be automatically transferred to the transfer form when using a banking app, otherwise it must be typed in.

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