Interview with Markus Wortmann, Chairman of the association “Sicheres Netz hilft e.V.”
Markus Wortmann is a criminologist and police scientist, certified victim support counselor and business coach. As a criminal investigator, he worked in various areas of crime, such as combating child pornography on the Internet, stalking and Internet bullying as well as fraud. As the founder of the association “Sicheres Netz hilft e.V.”, he is committed to improving media literacy for children and senior citizens alike. Time for a discussion about the aims of the association and the question of what everyone can do to protect themselves online.
Mr. Wortmann, you are the chairman of the association “Sicheres Netz hilft e.V.”. What was decisive for its foundation?
Markus Wortmann: I have noticed that many people use new media in a very unreflective way. They appreciate the great opportunities to keep in touch with friends and family, share photos and videos, obtain information, shop online and much more – but they secure their actions far too rarely. This exposes them to dangers that could generally be avoided with a little more care.
How does the association help to raise awareness?
Wortmann: The association helps to strengthen the media skills of educators, children and young people as well as the 60+ generation. This is especially true when it comes to using the Internet. Our aim is to communicate the opportunities and risks of new media to young and older people alike. We point out potential dangers and thus contribute to an informed and confident use of new media.
How do you achieve this?
Wortmann: We give lectures and run training courses, we train multipliers to become certified Internet media coaches, we organize action days and initiate cooperation projects, such as a senior citizens’ advisory service. We also support prevention projects. These are all very resource-intensive activities that require a lot of effort, but are fruitful.
What can people themselves do to increase their protection online?
Wortmann: I am convinced that the key to greater online security for each individual lies in knowing about the benefits and dangers of the cyber world. The more informed and competent a user is, the better they can assess and minimize risks.
This means that every user should ask themselves: What happens to my data when I post it on the Internet? Who can use them for what? And – do I want to let that happen? If you are informed about what can happen to your data, you will automatically protect yourself better.
Mr. Wortmann, thank you very much for the interview
Website of “Sicheres Netz hilft e.V. “: